E Stop recovery

Im in the process of buding a new machine. Im new to G sender and am having an E stop issue. After clearing an E stop, my Unlock machine button does nothing. The only way I can restart is to press the physical reset button on my Xpro V5 controller. Any help would be appreciated.

Same issue with my machine and same issue with nobody replying with a fix.

@Lumberparty What machine are you running? Have you opened a support ticket with Sienci?

I got a reply from Gsender. They said that there is not a driver compatible with the Xpro V5. The only solution I have found is to start the controller with the usb unplugged. Them plug it in.

ALTMILL. I haven’t opened a ticket. Just following a few unanswered posts on here. My workaround is just never going to any limits.