gSender doesn't register continuity test (but still probes fine)

I just purchased a LongMill and the standard touch plate. I am new to gSender and having an issue: When prompted to test the continuity before probing, gSender doesn’t detect any connection, even though the PRB light on the SuperLongBoard turns on when I make this connection, and gSender correctly probes if I turn off the connectivity test requirement in settings.

Is there something else I need to set up to make the connectivity test work?

I can keep the required test turned off and use gSender just fine, but I much prefer to have this safety feature.

Other notes (from reading through the forum): I am using grblHAL and have my firmware set to my machine.

What do you have $10 set to in EEPROM - if probing works but pin status isn’t being reported correctly it’s likely you have some options turned off (like Pin status reporting).

$10 should be 511 on all SLB variants.

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Pin State was the issue. It is working now. Thank you!!