My first LongMill project was a gift

[April 21 - April 28, 2023 “A Project You Gifted” Contest] (April 21 - April 28, 2023 "A Project You Gifted" Contest)

“Libellula’s Fen” exactly describes our property in rural Ontario - 10 acres bordering on a large beaver pond that hosts thousands of dragonflies.

My wife named the property Libellula’s Fen and for seventeen years has always wanted a sign. She said this was one of the best gifts she has ever received.

The sign, carved into a piece of cedar cut on our property, is one of the first projects I did on my LongMill 2.

I surfaced the board on the LongMill, routed the image 1/8” deep, applied the paint then resurfaced the sign just enough to skim off the paint and leave the text sharp and clear.