Spindle Grounding

I am just wiring in the shielded cable for my spindle. I have a braided ground shield which will be connected to the case of the plug at the spindle end. There is an extra wire in the bundle should I connect it to the ground shield? At the controller would I then be able to just use it for the ground, or would I still need to bind the shield braid?

If that seemed ambiguous, I have a 4 conductor shielded cable, I have 3 wires in use, what should I do with the 4th and the shield braid to ensure proper operation?

I am seeing lots of info but looking for a best practice that is know to be the most likely to work.

Thanx everyone

The shielded braid will, if connected, prevent your wires from recieving ore emitting inteference. That extra wire is an ideal one to connect the gnd to the spindle-body to get a more robust connection than just via the connector. You could then use that point as a gnd hub to ground other parts of your machine from.

If I had that option, I would def see if I could give that lazy ass wire an important job to do for the rest of its life.

Lazy Ass Wire… I love it.

Thank you I will put it to work. I will take your suggestion and ground both the spindle and the VFD controller.

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