1st paid sign with Long Mill

I really don’t understand how you can make money on a sign if you are paying these astronomic prices for the material 
 but then I have no experience with signs so what do I know. All I know is that generally I screw up stuff pretty consistently and I would be really peeved if, through a stupid error on my part, I managed to screw up a board.
Yes, I would run pink styrofoam first but I have a real talent for ‘whoooops’.


@Jens You are a natural for CNC work my new friend! Whoops is a normal thing, especially when I first started out! Now I am much better with my skills. But still can manage to mess up none the less. I mostly carve walnut, and that can get expensive to mess up too! I have 80 board feet to mill down and get ready for carving. I have a local source vendor who gives me amazing prices on rough sawn walnut.

My Sign I just did - cost $1200/32 sq ft or $37.50/sq ft. the sign is 10" x 24" or cost of approx $65/sign for sign foam. Paint/Masking/Brushes/sand paper/etc Est. -$10,00 . its minimal. Labor - to sandblast takes about an hour, cnc took about 1.5 hours.


material cost are approx. $75 leaving $225 to pay for labor/overhead/profit as I sell these between $300 and $325

hope that helps some

My overhead is minimal as I am a home based business.


Very appreciative of your time. Thank you! That is one piece I continue to struggle with, what to charge. I am a home based business as well. My shop is literally 30’ from the back door.

What I do like is no toxic dust, no knots, no warping, clean cuts, light weight, holds up to the environment well.

I am not done with learning about this product, it definitely has merit. I don’t have an outdoor sign on my shop yet, and this would be an amazing way to leap into it. That and the jump from vcarve pro to aspire. I would really like to explore 3d signage. I am positive there is a market for it where I am at.


My favorite stuff to work with and much easier on the cnc than wood - cuts like soft butter

good luck

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Jake/ [engraver99 I cannot access the darn website, my AV software states that it is not a safe website and refuses to access it. I tried adding it to my exception list but this did not help.

Do you have any other contact info, like the phone number of your distributer or the main office?

Sure he you go. I just added it as a picture cause I’m not sure about adding a phone number

I just hooked up with the DUNA CoraFoam Distributor. Nice folks who are sending me samples of their product in both 15# and 20#. The gentleman who I chatted with just did a project for his local Legion and said it was a treat to work with. He used both CNC and traditional woodworking tools. Their prices are a bit less than Sign Foam. I have samples coming from them as well. I appreciate your original post, definitely peeked my interest!

I have cora foam - have not tried it yet - looks like it will work

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Please keep us updated with your progress.