Ok guys, need some help before I mess up

Mister, when you do see the light would you reach up, grab it and point it at me, because sometimes I donā€™t even know which way to look for it! :wink:

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Ok guys finally I got around to setting the laser offset in Gsenderā€¦
you know how it saves whatever change you make as your making them.
So I set the offset in Gsender, the software tells me my new settings are saved. I then click on another tab like ā€˜aboutā€™, go back to the offsets, and they are still set.
However, if I close that window and go back into settings, they values are gone, reset to zero.
How Do I Make the Offsets stay?
Anyone else using the laser gsender offsets?

@chapklc I just played around with it, Kari, and I donā€™t see any way to keep the settings. Iā€™ve just put a post on the gSender board so that the team can look into it.

Wow, if Iā€™m glad itā€™s gsender and NOT me for once!!! Thanks for letting me know.

I was digging around with the macrosā€¦is there some sort of guide to let you know how to set them up? I know nothing of the ā€˜codeā€™ and wouldnā€™t mind using the macrosā€¦but I need help. I know you use macrosā€¦but I donā€™t even know where to start.

@chapklc There is no guide that I am aware of, Kari. In gSender, macros can be as simple as a text file containing gcode. Thatā€™s what mine are. I understand that macros can contain variables, too, and I believe some users here have written them. Mine are one liners. Extremely simple.

They come down to telling the controller where you want it to move, in my case, relative to where it is when I run the macro. I donā€™t have limit switches, so I donā€™t use absolute moves. Then, you tell it how far you want it to move. I have set 4 macros - two would do it. One set of 2 moves the Mill in X and Y from the position that XY0 was set to for the router tool path. The second set of 2 does exactly the opposite. It moves the Mill in X and Y from the position that it was set to for the laser tool path. I did it this way as I do some projects where I run the router carve first, and others where I run the laser burn first. Clear are mud? :grinning:

Not quite mud, I do understand the value of the macro. I just donā€™t speak gcode.

PM sent and replied to.

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Sorry, I did get itā€¦Iā€™m at work this weekend, youā€™ll probably hear from me on Monday, thanks so much for all your help!!!

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