Tex regarding your other comment Scott's First Experience Using the AltMill CNC Machine: Insights and Discoveries at Sienci Labs - #2 by CrookedWoodTex
Sometimes comments get missed between Facebook, Forum, YouTube, Instagram, etc. I know sometimes a lack of response can feel like we’re trying to hide something, but in those cases I’d recommend you send us in an email or phone call since those are our most prioritized avenues and will basically guarantee an answer, plus you can always share our response back here on the forum if you feel like others would benefit.
To answer your question though, yes all of the videos posted thus far have been from 3 iterations on prototype machines that have lived in our back shop. This isn’t unlike what we’ve done in the past, or that other companies have done in the past - in fact we’re very proud to say that everything you see in the videos is truly happening and not rendered or pretending. Sometimes we’re a victim of our own transparency because we don’t pretend like we’re doing more than we are, but we certainly are very careful to only show features and functionality that we feel confident in. I think where you stand makes sense though, if you’ve been burned already it can seem risky to go again.
One thing I also want to note is that the first 50 machines were purchased by people who’ve agreed to help smooth out any remaining sharp edges with the AltMill that we haven’t caught yet in our months of testing. We don’t tend to dive so deep into production that machines shipped in October will be the same as those shipped in the next month - we always do our best to continue improving our products as they roll out to ensure they’re performing their best. It’s likely by the time others receive their AltMills, it’ll look even better than what you’ve seen in the videos