Maker of many things mechanical, electro-mechanical, electronic and software. All these together make the best projects. On my CNC I work mostly with woods, but have been exploring soft metals such as Brass and Aluminium.
My setup is: ShapeOKO 3XL with HDZ axis, 1.5Kw water cooled ER-11 spindle, a self-made Rotary axis, replacement Controller to support 5-axis (XYYZA) based on GRBL-HAL on a Teensy 4.1 platform.
Some projects: Barley-Twist lamp stands, Simple furniture, A Granddaughter Clock (every single piece of it), 3D Carvings (flat and rotary), a Digital Storage Oscilloscope based on STM32F411 with ‘steam punk’ stand, a Spindle PWM detector to switch on air and coolant (original controller PCB doesn’t have this facility, so built an external one using ATTiny-85).