48 Extension Installed But

I bought the 48 inch extension kit for my 30x30 MK2. I found the PDF instruction manual really hard to follow, I wish there was a video like the one I watched when I originally assembled my machine.

But honestly, with a little common sense, it went together pretty easily. Including enlarging my table and spoil board the whole thing took be about two and a half hours.

The Y and Z axis work flawlessly. The X axis runs very smooth in both directions until I get with in about 4 inches of left end then it jams like it would if you had run to the end of lead screw.

Everything is square and there is no whip or anything in the lead screw. Does anyone have an idea, what the cause and solution are?

Hello Kendall, welcome to the group!

I would start by checking for any damage to either the threads on the lead screw or the ‘rails’ that the V-wheels ride on. Maybe try loosening the backlash block a bit if you don’t have the self adjusting one with the springs although I don’t think if it was the backlash it would always bind in the same spot but it’s worth a shot. Another thing that can happen is if the backlash block is mounted a little crooked it might bind at the end of travel where the lead screw doesn’t have any room to flex. You can back off the mounting screws and jog left and right a bit and then tighten them back up to make sure the block is parallel to the lead screw.

That’s all I have at the moment… good luck!

EDIT: In this post I go over my method for adjusting the backlash, maybe it’s useful to you.

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Hi Michael, thanks for your reply. I do have the self adjusting version. But what I tried this morning was loosening the screws between it and the Gantry and then I loosened up a little bit on the nut at the end of the lead screw that fixed it. I think I just had things too tight, it must be my new testosterone replacement therapy L O L

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@kendallcaputo As you have solved your problem, I will close the topic. Have fun with your newly-enlarged LM.