Just wondering if there has been anyone able to install a 4th axis?
Thank you for the info I’ve been looking at buying one of the 4th axis rotary off of Amazon. Im trying to see if the control box would be able to handle one.
Would you happen to have any pictures or videos of how you did all this?
What if there was an official 4th axis option for the Longmill…
Could you set up a similar rotary axis unit similar to those that are used on machines such as the K40 laser for engraving round items. I was thinking unplug the two Y axis LM and then plug in the rotary unit when required for those style of jobs?
Paul, leave the Y axis as is and use the x-axis as the rotary - fewer wires to screw with, and you get two motors moving along the rotary axis. And you don’t have to get the Ramps board configured for two motors in one axis. It was designed for 3D printer control and already has a double plug but it’s for Z.
Is this going to be an option in the near future?
Could just be a very stupid question to ask. I was wondering if someone tried to hook up the rotary axis where x axis is. And is it even possible? Thanks for the insight.
Did that last year. Connects easily to the LongBoard and works surprisingly well. I made several chess sets out of brass and aluminum. Check out the Ramps board. The only real sticking point is generating the 4- or 5-axis gcode.
@BillKorn Great to see you back, Bill.
Thanks Bill for the info. Did you make any changes to the controller parameters. Please let me know. For the gcode, I think we just need a proper post processor (I could be wrong here). Thanks again.
Thanks Grant. I drop in once in a while to see what everybody’s up to.
Thank you again Bill for the info. I will start something in spring. Right now its very cold in my garage to do anything (Manitoba Winter). Merry Christmas to you all!
Glad to help Vipul. Have a very Merry Christmas.
I made a 4th Axis addition to my machine (ShapeOKO) and changed the controller to a RAMPS-like 5 axis (XYYZA) single board (KEYESTUDIO V1.2 5-Axis based on Atmel Mega260), with the highest current Step-Sticks I could get (TMC2209 model from memory). The fork GRBL Mega 5X is loaded onto this and works perfectly. What I am now looking to do, with some great projects successfully completed, is to add Rotary Axis awareness to the Sender as Universal GCODE Sender development momentum seems to have stalled - yesterday I tried gSender and really like it. My ideal is to see the rotary position, and to be able to jog/zero it - these are extensions I wrote in UGS and today work as intended so will see what/if/if wanted/community response is to introducing this to gSender.
Hello Hobbyman
FWIW I used the Y axis for simple single axis rotary motion. I simply disconnected both the Y stepper motors on the Longmill controller and connected a different stepper to a mini-lathe mounted on my wasteboard. A v-carve operation for
a narrow rectangle arranged at the appropriate angle in CarbonCreate to provide the desired relationship between linear and rotary motion achieves the desired rotary carve. My stepper with 20 tooth sprocket drove a 60 tooth sprocket on the lathe spindle. A 45 degree angle in the V-carve toolpath gave a 24mm linear translation per revolution of the spindle. The profile cut into the rod or cylinder mounted on the lathe spindle is determined by the end mill used. I wanted a ball screw so used a 1/2 inch cove bit.
Has anything new happened with bringing Rotary to the Longmill?
To truly achieve 3D needs 5-axis, I think. Whilst the rotational control gives perfect access on the X-axis (or Y if that is your setup), the end of the workpiece still only gets vertical access much like 3-axis gives.
So 3-axis can do ‘2.5D’, 4-axis let’s say ‘2.75D’ and 5-axis ‘3D’.
While I agree with your 2.75D concept, how many times would you really need it? Your objects often needs to stand, so the bottom does need to to be cut. And the top, that is often just round with a cylinder object, and that can be done from the side.
I recently bought this: Vevor | CNC Router Rotational Rotary Axis 4-Jaw Self-centering Aluminum Alloy A-axis and I plan to give it a go with my LongMill, once a can find some spare time.
I’ll post my result if I have any…
Hi what rotary did you use and does it work well with engraving with the laser and carving with the mill