Can anyone explain the AltMill status page workings? I have seen the number in the ‘shipped in last 30 days’ increase then decrease then increase again…what should I believe ? I have also seen ‘orders completed’ pop up here and there out of order…but I have not seen any ‘in order’ changes since 63398 was completed… I haven’t seen any activity since 10-28-2024 other than the rotating number in the 30 day shipped box. This is very confusing…anyone else scratching their heads but me?
The number shipped in the last 30 days drops as nothing new is shipped and machines that were shipped 31 or more days ago drop off the counter. If they start shipping again and nothing falls of the ‘past 30 days’ end then the number increases.
I have asked about the ‘out of order’ thing as well and received no answer. I am assuming that those orders are review units that are shipped out for eval where Sienci expects positive reviews and more sales … but that is strictly a guess.
I believe that the lack of new units shipping is due to a part shortage of some kind similar to what happened a few weeks ago.
Thanks for the reply Jens…it helps explain the variable number anyway. I guess the best way to interpret the rest of that page is to ‘take your best guess’ because Sienci is certainly not forthcoming on keeping their waiting customers (who have already put out the cash I might add) informed about current status of the orders.
@Soxone @Jens I assume that you are reading the blog. It may help you to see what the shipping will be going forward.
Yes I did read the blog and watched the current blog video but there was nothing there about the workings of the AltMill status page…hence my questions
@Jens Glad your Altmill arrived. But missing the questions and great feedback that your posts provided.
I’m in the que for November but I’m about 50 deep on the list. I’m hoping Scienci has them all boxed up waiting on a few parts to arrive.
Hoping that more users upload YouTube content. I’m always on the watch for Scienci, Bucky, Larry Robinson, IDC and now Hamilton Dilbeck content. Hamilton is posting a head to head comparison between the Altmill and Onefinity on Black Friday.
Looks like you got cut off …
Oops. I shouldn’t post while on work Zoom calls. LOL
You used ‘missing’ … anything you want more info on?
In any case, I sure hope you get your mill soon. In my case I was literally watching the status page every day (I don’t have a life) and when they stopped shipping it was rough and that interruption was much shorter than what is happening now.
You always had good questions and comments in your posts. Your questions helped us all stay updated. I apologize if I came off snarky, it is the opposite. I enjoyed following the questions and answers.
Not snarky at all !