Has anyone had any issues installing the 3D printed feet on the X-Axis rails? When I attempt to install I am able to get one of the bolts in but not the second one. It is showing that it is offset about 1/32 to 1/16". Just enough that I can’t get the second bolt to thread into the pre-drilled and tapped holes in the X-Axis rail. I have spent around an hour messing with it and had to walk away. I am wondering if it is a printing issue with the part. Should I ream out the hole with a drill bit? I am afraid of making the machine not sit square when completely assembled. Not sure about tolerances.
FYI, the left rear leg for the X-Axis was defective to the point that the 5mm nuts would not set in the recess. Notified Sienci last night and new part was shipped out this morning. Excellent customer service. I have attached pictures showing the bolt just not quite fitting in drilled/tapped rail, and other pics showing defective left leg that I had to have replaced.