My auto probe kept moving after it touched the y axis wall, sometimes it would not stop on the z axis touch shoving the bit into the probe…not good but the problem was intermittent. Sometimes the touch plate would not turn green , I thought it was the longboard connection…nope….Then on a project I moved it to the far side of the x axis as I set the probe the wire came out of the magnetic connector….I disassembled the magnet only to fine that the wire connector was never pressed to hold the wire making a bad connection. I reconnected the wire properly and seemingly have fixed the problem….has anybody else had this issue……
Jup, I got mine with the crimp around the insulator. That didn’t work very good. This too was the mag con.
I now have issues like yours, it sometimes does not detect toutch. I am now measuring my stock with a v-bit and devide by two to get to xy-zero centre. designing a bit smaller than the stock and zeroing with a light behind the bit. It’s a bit ó work but it gets the job done accurately.
Maybe I’ll get to the making my own wiring to replace the ones I no longer trust my bits with, but I work a lot with centre zero point when having irregular shaped stock so I mostly don’t have a use for a zero-block.
So, yeah, been there and still am.
Can you take a picture of the connector? I’m wondering if the one that’s failed on you is our old one or the new one
I think I fixed it, but it ruined three projects because the x axis changed and I wasn’t aware of the change. It drug across my projects about .02 thru letters and other projects it dug to deep in vectors ….glad to hear about your fix…hoping my issues are solved….
yes, unfortunately so i stopped using it.