Auto Zero Touch Plate not working with SLB

I upgraded to the SLB and it looks great! I wanted to run my machine (MKII 48x30) to test out the controller. My gSender is all set up (newest version) and configured. The machine jogs in manual mode and looks good. I changed the parameters in the setup menu to run the Auto Zero Touch plate, then loaded my program.

I tried to do a probe (Z-touch) and it will not connect. I checked the connections and all looks good, but still no connection (circuit will not connect). I also tried to XYZ Probe, and no luck there also. No error codes either.

I want to run with a V-Bit 60. I did change it out to with a 1/4" endmill to see if that resolved anything. It did not.

@Skyboltguy1 Welcome to the group, Henry.

Did it work OK with the Long Board?

If you touch the magnet to the touch plate, does gSender show a connection? If not, check that all the wire connections are tight.

I’d start as Grant recommends by checking probe continuity in the Calibrate Diagnostics tools - if you manually form a circuit, does the Probe/TLS indicator light up green?


Second place to check on the firmware side is that you configured your EEPROM correctly since you can actually disable pin status reporting. Check $10 in the firmware tool and make sure you have ideally all the following but at least Pin state enabled:

Past that, it’s looking at wiring.

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Thank you so much for the excellent information. It did work. I checked the Calibrate Diagnostics. These were set correctly. But no green light on probe.

However, in the EEPROM config, STATUS REPORT OPTIONS, all the reports were in the OFF position. Once I activated the ones recommended, I do get the green light!!!

I am good to go. Sienci and their User group, rocks…

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@Skyboltguy1 Since @KGN resolved your issue, Henry, I’ve marked his post as the solution and I will close the topic. Have fun with your Long Mill. Be sure to post pics in the Show Off category.