Border Cut not aligned with text or image

First timer so be patient. New to the Longmill and Carbide Create Pro and so far love them both and have managed to work thru a massive learning curve. I created a bordered image of a text and SVG file. Image and Text are centered and to specified a Vee bit. I wanted the piece bordered and to be cutout. All looked good with the Carbide Create simulation and upload to gsender and even the test. But noticed first letter of text overlapped the second and the boarder seemed to be skewed were the left line was cutting over the leftmost part of the SVG/lettering and not the inch gap on each side as specified. any idea what I am doing wrong?

@Cracker Hey Gord! Welcome from one new guy to a new guy! Great folks here, all willing to help! So in my opinion, something sounds too tight or possibly not square. Is this your first project with your LongMill or are the issues with this particular carve? I use vcarve pro, so can’t provide any guidance regarding your software. If it is your first carve, I would urge you to double check the tightness of the wheels and anti-backlash nuts. Also, you may want to doublecheck the squareness of your LongMill. In GSender, there was a tool that I used to adjust the machine using essentially the 3,4,5 and a triangle. It ensures your axis is square, which would cause skewing of your carve. The other thing I would recommend is moving your gantry back and forth to the boundaries prior to carving. It will ensure square. Once again, welcome to the forum. If I could ask you a favor, put what fixes your issue in this post, so others can learn from it. Oh yea, if your LongMill is new, you could always contact Sienci. They are very responsive as well.
Take care!

To add to Jake’s advise, I recommend running a break-in program like Garrett Fromme at IDCWOODCRAFT.COM has. Kinda like breaking in a new car.

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Evening Jake, Thanks for the welcome and sound advice. The machine is square and runs beautifully. What I did do originally was zero the XYZ at the very front left and started from there. I tried another small contour project from the same area and it failed to. So I moved the XYZ starting point in and up about 4 inches and both projects cut great!! At least I have a workaround. Regards Gord

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Hey Gord! Glad that worked for you and that you have a work around. I am hoping someone here can pipe in and advise you what is wrong. You shouldn’t need to move projects inward to get to carve straight. I agree with @ozguzzi . Just like a new car, Bruce said to break in your machine. That too is something I did when my LongMill was new. @gwilki, Grant, is really well versed in Sienci and may have some additional insight on this topic. Your machine should be able to carve correctly on the entire surface. Keep us informed Gord!

@Cracker At this stage, I have more questions than answers. I don’t use CC, so I can’t help with that.

  1. Do you have limit switches on your LM?

  2. You say that you set XY0 at the “very front left”. Can you explain how you did that? For example, did you place your material somewhere on the spoilboard, then set XY0 to the front corner of that material. Or, did you jog the machine as far as it would go in X and Y, then set your material so that the front left corner was under the router bit at that spot?

  3. Have you tried other projects using the same process?

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