This year Charcuterie boards for the family. We’ve done clocks, lazy susans, serving trays and thats the the way we do family gifts, grand kids are getting my wifes resin pours. Each piece is either Maple or Cherry glue up, then planed, sanded and carved on the cnc, I use Osmo and wax for finish. To polish the resin I go up to 10,000 Grit
@Bill very nicely done Bill! Had to look up what a Charcuterie board was though. I particularly like your resin inlays. That is something I would enjoy trying. I have heard that there is a way in vcarve pro to estimate volume. Very nice gifts sir!
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@Jake my wife figures out the resin, some were pockets, some v carves, need to show the backs, just wood and our logo.
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