Cutting thin plywood

Good day. I am trying to cut very thin plywood and am looking for any recommendations as to the best type of bit and router speed that anyone has had good success with. Thanks for any input.

I just cut some .181 plywood with the settings the gSender program chose and it cut great. Hope this helps.

I used a quarter inch bit.

Welcome to the group @Russ! What program did you use to create the g-code? I ask because gSender doesnโ€™t choose the feed rate or router speed. The router speed is manually set, maybe you have a spindle but @unique does not, and the feed rate is set by the program that created the g-code and then gSender can modify the feed rate.

Just trying to help you to help unique. Again welcome to the group and itโ€™s nice that your willing to help out a fellow forum member.

EDIT: Welcome to group Unique! I canโ€™t help you directly because I use a laser for really thin stuff but wanted to welcome you.