Finishing epoxy inlay in wood

Hi there, new to woodworking in general. I’ve been doing epoxy inlays in cherry using the longmill. I’m having trouble getting a nice finish on the epoxy. I’d like it to be as close to glass as possible. I’ve been sanding off the excess with an 80 grit using a orbital sander and then going all the way up to 1000, sometimes up to 2000 grit. I’ve tried wet and dry sanding. Then I’ve been polishing using car polish using a cloth. I’ve also tried using a polishing bit on my drill. The issue I’m having is 2 fold:

  1. The epoxy is still not coming out with the glass like finish i want. I think I’m doing something wrong in the process.
  2. What do I do if I need to finish the wood as well? Do I polish the epoxy first and then put the finish? If I put on the finish over the polished epoxy am I going to then de-shine it when I put the finish on? When the wood is surrounding the design how do I keep from getting polish on the wood, or can I polish all the wood? I’m using plywood and the polish has left a bit of mark around the inlay.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

I’ve had the same issue, after the sanding try a polishing rouge with 1st a white scotch pad up to a cotton polishing pad, I also use Osmo and buff it in, 6" automotive orbital buffer, I bought mine for car polishing but also use it for wood. Be careful to not get the epoxy too hot. Stick with it and a very gloss appearance is possible.

On YouTube check out some of Blacktail Studios and how he polishes up epoxy. he has some good suggestions now finding the episode that helps best is another discussion