First project meant for sale

Been thinking of opening an Etsy shop for awhile. This is the first piece that I made that is not for a gift.

Let me know what you think guys and gals, about my box or Etsy.

Edit: Forgot to mention it is made of poplar and maple with unknown plywood floor.

Thank You,


@_Michael Nicely done. As for Etsy, FWIW, I think that it’s saturated.

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The box looks great!
I don’t think that highly of Etsy either. If you start to be successful, someone that has a production level shop will do the same thing in quantity and undersell you.
I had a hobby level product on Etsy… Did great for two years or so and then the copycats rolled in until it wasn’t worth my time.

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Looks very exact and perfect. Nice job.

Now on to not just etsy but where to sell. The first issue for me is inventory. I prefer to sell by refferal, for example someone saw a product and requests one for themselves. One other place is if you know a realtor talk to them about custom client thank you gifts, since i moved to Texas they have a $50 maxium and hard to make anything for $50.

One new option for me is sharing a booth with an artist friend but then one faces inventory again.

One friend said people will buy anything for $25 problem is i can’t make much for that.