The box looks great!
I don’t think that highly of Etsy either. If you start to be successful, someone that has a production level shop will do the same thing in quantity and undersell you.
I had a hobby level product on Etsy… Did great for two years or so and then the copycats rolled in until it wasn’t worth my time.
Now on to not just etsy but where to sell. The first issue for me is inventory. I prefer to sell by refferal, for example someone saw a product and requests one for themselves. One other place is if you know a realtor talk to them about custom client thank you gifts, since i moved to Texas they have a $50 maxium and hard to make anything for $50.
One new option for me is sharing a booth with an artist friend but then one faces inventory again.
One friend said people will buy anything for $25 problem is i can’t make much for that.