Has anyone bought the grblHAL T41U5XBB USB board from TINDIE in the USA to use with grblHAL?
If so, how did you find it to assemble and use. I’m interested in purchasing one.
If you are using some other make of board to use with grblHAL, please let me know your thoughts.
Do you know that Sienci recently came out with the SuperLongBoard? You probably do but I’m mentioning it just in case. It’s more expensive than the board you listed but it’s a complete setup if you don’t already have the other components needed for the TINDIE board.
Just looked at your profile and I see that you built your own CNC so you probably have the other parts already. Kudos to you for building your own CNC, I think that’s pretty cool!
Thanks for the reply Michael.
I did look at the SLB controller but its drivers are limited to 2.8A, I believe. My CNC has a stepper on the Z axis that is specified at 3.5A so I have an appropriate driver for it. My others are specified at 2.8A. At the moment it doesn’t draw that much but if I attach a water cooled spindle, it may get over 2.8A. I also drive my steppers at 36V.
I’m not sure if the SLB controller can control separate stepper drivers?
I bought a Tindie Opto-coupler for the limit switches on my self built controller and its been fantastic. That’s why I looked at his grblHAL board.
It doesn’t from what I’ve read.