Hi All,

I am considering purchasing the SLB in the very near future. Can anybody tell me if GRBLHAL supports tool changes? I want to be able to output one file for all of my tools and then have my MK2 retract the router, move to a predetermined position, allow me to change the tool and measure tool length and then restart the program where it left off. Will this be possible with the SLB and Vcarve?


Hey Philip,

The SLB does support Tool Length Sensors! You can read up on it Here. We’ll be adding more and more to our documentation in the coming weeks too, so check back for updates.


Hi Stephen,

Thanks for the response. Will the post still be the same ie GRBL MM? That post will not let you save different tools into one GCode


Hey Philip,

Chatting with the team, Vectric or carveco maker won’t allow multiple tools exported into one file, however it seems that Carbide Create will.

I have no problems having multiple tools in one file using Vectric.
I can run different tools for one job - roughing, finishing, chamfer then profile all in one *.tap file.