gSender and Nextwave Shark

Does anyone know if gSender will work with Nextwave Shark cnc? It uses grbl, will connect to the controller, but does nothing, cant run a file, jog machine, nothing?


Hi Chris,

Welcome to the playground.

Have you looked into the online gsender manual?

What profile did you select if any? Here some on using unknown machines with gsender.

Hi, thank you for the post. I have set the firmware to “Generic CNC” This gets me to connect to the machine in gSender, says it is connected, but wont do anything, run a file, jog any axis, nothing. Just hoping someone out there has experience with my machine to see if it is in fact compatible and if there is any setting I might be missing.

Thanks again!

I can’t offer much assistance with that machine, but it might be an idea to read into gsender and how to set it up, untill someone comes along that does.

It might be a quick fix like using the correct baudrate.

Or something else that you can try while you look into the setup manual.

Maybe @jayfmiller is still around. The only one so far I have seen mentioning owning a shark before getting a sienci machine.

Can you post your grbl settings?
How about a screenshot of gsender after you connect? (including the console)