I selling my 30 x 30 with computer tool,bits, and dust collector for 2000$ all inclued,
i am in new brunswick arround plaster rock.
Hey is this still available, could I have more info, did you upgrade to the super longboard? What’s make/of of the dust collector included?
hello yes it is still available, my model can cut 30 x 30 inches. the dust collector and a homemade turbine that works very well, my price is still negotiable if you are interested.
Included in the sale: computer, cutting tool, spare part for the makita router (brush, ring, etc.), dust collector.
bonjour oui cest toujours disponible , mon model peut couper du 30 x 30 pouce. le collecteur de poussière et une turbine fait maison qui fonctionne tres bien , mon prix et quand meme negociable si sa vous interaisse
inclus dans la vente: ordinateur,outil de decoupage,piece de rechange pour le routeur makita (brosse,bague,ect…), collecteur de poussiere.
Thank you for your reply, I am located in Nova Scotia, my shop is not quite ready yet for me to purchase. But still interested. I’ll reach out later on if it’s still available.
Ok have a good day