Does anyone know exactly what physical pins are in use on the Shapeoko Pro controller that are activated by gcode coolant commands? I’ve looked around on their forums and haven’t seen anything, and their docs don’t specifically call this out (or I haven’t seen it anyway). I haven’t been able to find this info. Short of just attaching a voltmeter I’m not sure where I can find this.
My situation is that I’m looking to use the coolant command from gcode to trigger some IoT stuff. I’ve seen some links to relays that people are using, but ideally I’d actually capture that voltage change to another arduino device and run some code there (LED controls at least, but perhaps some other things as I evolve this).
Or is there some other way to get a message out of gSender to another app or network location? like sending a string msg via serial, or MQTT or something like this?
Any input appreciated