August 9, 2021, 3:29pm
@Mwinn2021 Mike: The LongMill does not come with limit/homing switches - yet. Here is a link to the recent Sienci blog article on where they are going with them:
Here are a couple of forum articles posted by users who have added switches to their Long Mills:
I wanted to share how I set up a homing cycle using limit switches for others thinking of doing this. I want to say this is how I set up my machine and yours my vary slightly but I will include the stl files for the limit switch holder and the mounting blocks that I derived from the longmill part files so you can customize the switch distances based on your set up. Please be prepared to make necessary changes based on your machine and set up. I will not have time to walk people thru the proce…
@jwoody18 That is a great write up, Jeff.
I bought mechanical switches for my Mill some time ago and have yet to install them.
There is one thing that I have never figured out, and that you can likely educate me on.
After installing the switches and telling grbl that they are there, when I first start the Mill, I would click on “home machine” in UGS and the machine would go to the same place every time. That being, where the switches are. I get that.
Here is my confusion. Let’s say that I d…