Hummingbird Inlay Box

Maple with a walnut inlay, much like the butterfly project that I posted before.

These are an interesting project, frustrating but interesting.


Nice work Grant. Iā€™ll get there someday I hope.

Frustrating means you must have learned a few things along the way. Nice work!

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@Heyward43 @CRD Thanks guys. Claude: For me, the most frustrating, and nerve-wracking part is the sanding after bandsawing away the excess of the inlay. Too little and you donā€™t see the details. Too much and you sand away details. The key is to knowing - and Iā€™m still learning - when itā€™s as good as itā€™s going to get. After another few dozen, I may just get it consistently right. :upside_down_face:


Two questions - Did you use f-engrave? They have a good, hard-to-follow video on inlays; and - Where are you sourcing your wood? I donā€™t have any local suppliers, and need a place to order.

Weā€™re not getting enough shared projects, so thanks for sharing.

@BillKorn Bill: I use this method:

Vectric has a couple of videos, too. Their method is very similar, but I get good results with this one, so Iā€™ll stick to it. Iā€™m using VCarvePro as the cam software. I donā€™t think thatā€™s critical, though. Itā€™s just a V-bit tool path and you could do that in anything.

Iā€™m spoiled for wood source. I work off and on at my friendā€™s cabinet making shop. I pretty much have my pick of the shorts that they would otherwise burn or toss for lack of space. In my basement shop, I have the usual shop machines: jointer, planer, bandsaw; table saw, drum sander, router table, compound miter saw and 2 lathes. So I can take the rough sawn off cuts and pretty much do anything I want with them.

When I want something more exotic, I can go locally to KJP Select. They are pricey, but I can buy in small quantities and they bring in things like bloodwood, purpleheart and other exotics that my friends donā€™t use.

Iā€™ve done a few of these where I donā€™t use wood as the inlay. I pour coloured epoxy into the ā€œfemaleā€ part. They look quite good and the colour choices are pretty much endless.

Where are you?

This is one of the things Iā€™ve wanted to try. I donā€™t have Vectric, so Iā€™ll have to try it with f-engrave.

Iā€™m down in SE PA. There are a couple local shops, but theyā€™re closed right now.



@BillKorn Bill: I have not used f-engrave, but was curious about using it for this process. I found this youtube video where the guy does pretty much what I am doing, using f-engrave. It will likely make more sense to you, as you are familiar with f-engrave. The terminology is much different than that used by vcarvepro, but the concepts and results look the same.

Good luck with it.

I donā€™t think shipping you wood is a practical solution, unfortunately. :grinning:

It may be worth your while to approach cabinet making or woodworking shops to ask about getting their shorts. Iā€™m lucky now to have friends in the business, but before that, I would just go to shops and ask if I could scrounge. These days, thatā€™s likely not possible, but itā€™s something to think about in the future.

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There is a place that sells wood in 2 foot lengths at various widths and thicknesses that Iā€™ve used before. Look up Ocooch Hardwoods. Theyā€™re in Southwest Wisconsin. Theyā€™ve got quite a selection of different kinds of woods. Theyā€™re standard thicknesses range from 1/16" to 1/2" and the standard widths range from 4" to 12". When they tell you the wood is 24" x 6", it is exactly that; these arenā€™t nominal measurements, but real ones. I donā€™t have any left, so canā€™t say if the thickness is nominal or actual.


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Thanks Grant. f-engrave is one of those programs you just have to try a couple times to try all the options and then it just makes sense. Iā€™ve used it a couple times for parts I sent out. The detail looks really nice on aluminum after itā€™s anodized with a dark color like red or green.

I have enough things lined up to do Iā€™ll be okay until the ā€˜atmosphereā€™ improves.


Thanks Michael. I heard bout this place and then lost the name so I couldnā€™t find them. They have some very interesting stuff - I already started adding to my cart!

Thanks for the tip.


I like that inlay looks nice im thinking of trying one out but still have a few more projects to tackle first

@Tristan Tks, Tristan. Iā€™ve still some glitches to work out so that the results are more consistent. Overall, though, Iā€™m pleased with the results. Good luck with yours. Post pics, pls.

I will for sure post up on here when i get around to making it. Maybe we can share tips once we get it down lol.

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@Tristan Sounds like a plan