On my MK2.5 the anti-backlash block hits the sensor when it is near the top. I can’t shorten the sensor any more without it falling out of the hole. Any suggestions?
This video shows them rotating the backlash nut so it points the other way on an install with the sensors. They even mention installing it that way if you have the sensors. This does appear to be 180 degrees from how it is shown in the 2.5 assembly manual.
Thank you for finding this and making me find this video before I ran in to this problem myself.
Thanks for the headsup, guess I’ll have to undo some of the assembly to get that block turned around. And I was doing so well LOL
I got the block off, turned around and installed and it still hit the sensor so I removed again and dremeled the corner so it cleared the sensor and reinstalled so now I’m good to go. Is mine the only one that hits the sensor or did I miss something else? Anyway, so far so good and all the sensors work to send the thing “home” . Thanks again for pointing that video out to me.
I have not reached that far with my assembly. But I will report back when I get there.
I couldn’t wait. I got a sensor out and tried to see if it fit.
Long story short - yeah there is some interference. I don’t think it requires shaving down the backlash nut. But that surely is the simple way.
I loosely installed the sensor. I just set the depth so it doesn’t bump the gantry. Then I wound the z screw and raised the gantry.
The anti backlash nut certainly collided with the front nut on the sensor. But because I had it loose, it just pushed the nut into a happy place where it DOES clear. If you screw the sensor tight then raise the Z, it will probably collide and restrict full travel. But if you keep the sensor nuts a little loose and let the anti backlash nut push the front nut on the sensor into a position it likes, it seems to work fine and will reach the top z stop.
I would know none of this but for you going first and having these problems. Thank you. I do think it is probably something that should be pointed out for any other 2.5 assemblers adding sensors.
Here are a couple of pics and you can see where the sensor nut ended up.
I see what you mean, but I wanted to make sure it fit so I dremeled it and it doesn’t seem to affect Z movement so maybe I lucked out. I had more fun getting the spindle hooked up, so far so good. What a difference from the Makita sound wise. Good luck with the assembly, this seems like a good place to get help when those head scratchers appear.