Is anyone working on something cool to add functionality or improve their machine?

Not sure how useful this will be to others but… I use a shopvac to collect the dust with the dust shoe add-on provided by the sienci people. But the dust shoe vacuum adapter is too large for the shopvac pipe. I can tape it airtight but then I have to untape this assembly to use the vacuum if I want to collect the stray sawdust… that’s super annoying :slight_smile: so I designed this simple adapter (on OnShape) to plug/unplug the vacuum to the dust shoe, comfortably.

Export the dustshoe2shopvac adapter as STL, then 3D print it. I had to use tiny bit of sanding paper as the fit was a bit tight between the 3D printed adapter and the dust shoe connector (also 3D printed). I also taped the adapter with the dust shoe connector to secure it for good. Now it’s easy to connect/unconnect the shopvac with the Longmill dust shoe.

“dustshoe2shopvac” OnShape model: Onshape