June 7 - June 14, 2024 "Something Learned Projects" Contest

Happy Friday! Thank you to everyone who shared their incredible accessory projects made with the LongMill.

We are happy to announce that Alex Chopek, @Parkey, @MedicDVG, @Plagmar, Ed Lagace, and Matt Osterhaus are the accessory projects contest winners. Watch out for a prize!

This week’s theme is “something learned projects”! Share a project you made with your LongMill and tell us what you learned from making it. Post your project with a caption about your lesson, and we’ll send awesome prizes to our favorites.

Visit our blog for more information on our Weekly Themed Contest:

Weekly Themed Contest Rules and Guidelines:

Have ideas for themes? Let us know by commenting below!

Happy making!

There is more to CNC than just milling.

I had someone ask me if I could engrave a slab of teak to place on a grave. I was only to do the engraving part; the person would take care of painting and finishing it.
I had just enough courage to say that I could try my best but that I was still learning to use my longmill, so it would not be ready in a heartbeat. I got the job done, and the person was pretty happy with the result. (as was I.)

I’ve learned a ton doing this one simple carve, but the biggest lesson came when he came back and showed me the finished product. I was blown away by the transformation the dull piece of wood had undergone simply by applying a good swipe of laquer.

It prompted me to finally clean out the far corner of my office (formaly used as extra bedroom) and create a work station for painting purposes (and while I was at it, an electronics workstation).


I am now able to do my own painting jobs, and it makes a world of difference.