Landed 20 piece project

With health issues keeping me from aggressively chasing business, I had this project land in my lap. I made a family a charcuterie board to be used for a wedding guest registry. It was a challenge getting a finish on the board that could be written in with a sharpie. I sampled a few finishes, found one that would work and that the family could add a few additional coats after the guests signed it, making a lasting memory. Finding a “food safe” finish was not possible as putting it on afterwards smeared the sharpie signatures. Here is the finished project and the poly spray I used.

The father of the bride owns a post frame business. He reached out months later and wanted to give plaques to all new building owners. According to him, that will be around 20 per year.

I made him a proof of concept on a scrap piece of walnut and he approved. This one will go into his office to showcase the “barn warming” gift. The scene was AI generated and I used a 90 degree V bit carved at .2” depth. After painting and sanding with 320 grit sandpaper, it has a coat of spray polyurethane (same as I used for the charcuterie board). Cleaning the image up was quite a feat, as there was a lot of “digital junk” in the image. I have a few other AI generated images that could be used as well. I also asked him for an image of an architectural drawing so I can play with carving an actual image of the customers building to see how it turned out.

Ultimately, after 6 more thank you gifts, my LongMill, my Vectric VCarve Pro and my design computer will be paid off. That is a good feeling!
Thanks for looking!


@Jake Very nice work, Jake.


Those are really nice! I love the barn warming one. Nice work on getting your mill and software paid for.

You are having better luck with AI generation then I’ve had. I should give it another shot. I tried to have an AI generate a cribbage board and it couldn’t even get the number of holes right or make them all the same size. :man_shrugging:

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AI is not the answer really. It’s all about asking the right questions and I just got lucky. I did AI images for the raised dog bowls for both my 4 legged friends. It took 4-6 attempts to get what I was looking for. Still not perfect, but it did work. As I said above, there is much “digital noise” that does nothing for the image, and there are too many to remove all of them. I also think it has to do with what tool you use. I have had the best luck with Microsoft Designer. Specifically, I ask for ink or line drawings. If you would like me to give it a try for you, I would be happy to. Let me know!

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True, I read somewhere that asking the right questions to an AI is an art form unto itself. Like anything I’m sure it some practice.

Taking a closer look at the barn one and I see what you mean, looks like there are rocks in the tree! I still like it and didn’t notice the noise at first glance. I’m sure if it was hanging on a wall somewhere it would look fine.

Thanks for the tip about about Microsoft Designer, I think I’ll give that one a try.

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Greetings! I hand delivered two plaques today. It totally warmed my heart when I went in and in the company’s office was my first plaque proudly on display.

I was told that they are booked out with building projects till the end of 2025. I probably will do a different design for the next ones.


Hi Jake,

Those are a lot smaller than I imagined. You must have mentioned how large they were in your first post but my mind goes “yeahyeah” when it encounters inches and translates it into meters or something. I bet you can relate.

Anyhow, I’m impressed even more now that I can see the actual size against the staggering detail you’ve mannaged to get out of a 90deg Vbit. I need to revisit this asap.

Anyhooo, I may risk boosting your ego somewhat but I had the oppertunity to be present at the livestream Chris did, and these plaques you made got a shoutout. Chris mistook them for another technique and you can take that as a huge pat on the back.

They are indeed awesome like that.

FFW to 2h33m mark.

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Thanks @Spamming_Eddie! That did bring a smile. So your post made me a bit jealous! I wish I was close enough to go to Sienci Labs myself. I would enjoy rubbing elbows with the folks who make this all possible. Their product is outstanding, and in turn makes this forum a genuine pleasure to be associated with.

Thanks again!

As I reside in the EU, I am always an ocean away from Canada.

Nonono, it was a live stream on youtube, and normaly anything that is live streamed from the americas is way to late or way to early for me to attend so I was very pleased when this one went live in my vacation and I was able to stay up late to follow it from start to end.

It was prolly the last time too.

So no, I was not at tha Lab. I wish!

@Spamming_Eddie oh okay!:+1: For some reason I thought you were in Canada. That makes this forum even cooler! EU is a long ways away from the cornfields of Iowa, USA! I appreciate you and what you bring to our little corner of the world.

When i download a program it comes back a blank white screen

Hi there JudyJEnsen,

Welcome to the forum, filled with enthausiastic people working their own cnc.

I tried to get my head around your statement and I think you mean when you load a program into g-sender, but it’s a wild guess at best.

You are now posting in a topic about Jake being happy and showing off his amazing work. I am the last to point out someone is off topic, cause, you know… I tend to do that… a lot, but I don’t think you get the right people reading your question down here.

That said, when you do open your own topic you might want to give a bit more information on what you are downloading. Is it a version of g-sender or a program into g-sender or something different al together?

What machine you have, what controller, what cad software. Maybe things you tried to get it right, that didn’t work and maybe even some screenshots to show directly what happens.

We are glad to look into it and maybe we can move you forth.

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@judyjensen49 @Spamming_Eddie has hit the nail on the head. :grinning:

I will move your post to a more appropriate category when I know more about your issue. Please post more details and we can go from there.