Laptop not talking with gsender

-using carbide create 623, gsender 1.1.7, 30x30 mk1
-project is ready to carve, code is sent to gsender
-open the the file project on gsender, there is no project to be found
-I’ve redone all my toolpaths probably 3 maybe 4 times now as well as saved the code every time
-machine worked great last week
-all my boxes on the bottom of the screen are all zeros, no feed rates, no spindle
Any input will be appreciated. Should I be updating gsender?

I’ll take a stab at it! First of all, welcome to the community @tykmyh-vycsog-Pymde8 Kelly! Good people here, great advice (except when it’s me giving it :rofl::joy:).

I’m not in the shop at the moment, but I believe I am running 1.47? If I’m not mistaken. You are in version 1.1? Yea I would update your version of GSender. I tend to wait and not jump on the latest version if anything for a couple of weeks or sometimes months. My reasoning is I want the bugs out before upgrading. The latest GSender is very stable and works well.

My disclaimer here is I only use a PC for designing projects. My control computer is a very old MacBook Pro. They communicate through the cloud. I send gcode to a targeted folder in the cloud, and my MBP picks it up in the same cloud.

I am not familiar with Carbide Create, although I’m assuming it is similar to VCarve Pro that I use. I’m also assuming you are using that in the same PC you are running GSender on. I think your problem maybe one of two things. First, your target folder (the folder where you are sending the code to from CC) might have changed? Save a file, call it an odd name and save it. Then open GSender. If it is not in the targeted folder to open, open a finder window and search for it. See where that odd named file resides in your pc. Then you can adjust your CC back to the appropriate folder. That would be my first guess.

My second guess might be going down a rabbit hole, but will throw it out there. Could your usb cable be bad? You don’t mention if you can move your machine with GSender, you advise all zeros at the bottom. Does GSender make your machine come to life? Again, this is just a guess. Lastly, where you pick up the file using GSender may be off. You will find that out by using the first suggestion.

Kelly, let us know how you come out after trying these things. The one thing is for sure here, we try and help out folks and get them making projects! Once again, welcome!

Thanks Jake, I will give your suggestions a try. I will tell you, the cnc does fire up when my laptop is hooked up to it. I can move it all about, no issues. I’m thinking my usb cable is good but i will try another one for shits and giggles.
I tried downloading the updated version of Gsender last night. It wouldn’t download for me but i was not hooked up with the cnc. I’ll give that a go tonight.
It’s frustrating as it was working last week.
Thank for now.

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@tykmyh-vycsog-Pymde8 i didn’t know if your machine was moving around or not when connected to GSender. That was why I suggested a cable. Still think it has to do with where your file goes when leaving CC and the targeted spot GSender is looking for it. That is my guess anyhow.

Let us know how you fare!

Hey Jake, I tried the file thing, no luck. Here’s a little more information. I can see the file name when I load it but has no picture (if you know what i mean). This happened with both the file i originally used plus the odd named file.
I’ve clicked to download the update but it seems to be taking forever. It did this last night with laptop not connected to the CNC machine but seems to be taking a long time connected to the CNC machine.
I was wondering if I should uninstall my current Gsender program and install the version i would get from the website?
Your thoughts.

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Hey Kelly, I would not hesitate to offload your old GSender then add the newest version. Something to consider, I am using a Mac not a PC for my GSender. I do believe I deleted the old version…… thinking about it I did. I had slight problem with the auto zeroing touch plate. Strictly user error. If you go to do that, take a quick picture of your settings in GSender. That was the advice I got when I asked about upgrading my longboard to a SLB (which I still haven’t gotten around to.

Still sounds like something is corrupt somewhere. Not sure if you are able to, but if you could create a gcode file and post it here, I’d be happy to try it on my control computer and that way we could use the result to further troubleshoot the issue.

Keep me updated, we will get you through it!

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When I downloaded it, it did take a long time. Also it takes a long time to boot up. I’m using a PC. Just my two cents.

just curious, when you say a long time, do you remember how long?
I’ve been hours (4+), that’s when i quit downloading

Hey Jake, just getting back to this. I’ve taken your advise and took pics of my settings, haven’t uninstalled the old version or added the new version as yet. I think i can copy the file that I’m issues with but can not get it into the forum.
If you feel comfortable forwarding me your email address, I believe I can get my file to you that way. If not, no worries.
I’m going to unload and load gsender anyways.

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