Largest Project on my 30x30

Hello! A friend of mine helped me with my Gator UTV earlier in the summer. It needed a fuel filter and oils change. The dealer wanted WAY too much to service it, so he helped me out, as getting in the ground isn’t really easy for me. In turn, he brought over this piece of wood that he wanted carved with his last name on it. The wood was far from perfect, and I postponed it for quite a while. Finally, I measured it out and found something close to center in order to set it up in my LongMill to carve. I zeroed it by finding the center, measuring to the left half the distance and setting X and Y at that point. I used the auto zero touch plate to set the Z axis.

Letters are 2.5” tall, .2” deep and in my estimation, turned out well. He didn’t want it sealed in any way as it will reside under a covered porch.

I apologize for not knowing what kind of wood it was, but it was very hard. I’m just thankful that the knots didn’t blow out when I carved it.

Thanks for looking!



I seen the guy I made this for on Christmas Day and he said it was “hedge” wood. Needless to say he liked it.