It’s LaserBeam Live time! Join Ikenna on Thursday, April 27, 2023, at 8 PM EST.
Ikenna will be testing the rotary prototype and hosting a Q&A session. So ask questions and get live answers!
Link to Livestream:
Set yourself a reminder and see you there!
Love this! Ordered a Vortex and I have your laser on my Mk1. I am curious @mollysaynavong and @ikenna.ofoha , in the announcement live stream for the Vortex, the engineers mentioned a bracket to raise the laser up a bit since there is concern about the clearance. Ikenna also mentioned it in the live stream #20 at the 24min mark.
Is there a current STL to print or a DXF to cut it out of acrylic? Thanks in advance!
We’re going to be testing clearances over the next 2 weeks, then we will upload the dxf and stl to the resources and order a batch of 2-300pcs steel brackets for the shop. July 20th laserbeam live I’ll be doing live testing If I can get back hands on a sample vortex.
Many thanks @ikenna.ofoha !!!