LaserBeam Magnetic Mount comment

Hello folks, It has been awhile since I posted but recently picked up the magnetic laser mount along with the AutoZero. I like the AutoZero but wish I did not purchase the magnetic laser mount.

With the “pins” having some play setting the lens focusing is more difficult (for me) due to the focus finder pushing the laser off parallel on the pins. The YouTube video has the recommendation to push or pull the laser assembly down to make sure it is in position but that gets thrown off when using the focus finder and bottoming out the laser. I also found the the magnet base can be installed out of parallel so you must use a 90 degree square when installing it.

Luckily the unit was less than $30 US but still a waste of money and going back to the standard screws for mounting which was rock solid and did not move around. Ps. I have the original MK2 30x30.

Just wanted to share my experience with this new add-on and do not recommend this one. Thanks and happy lasering.