Hi folks,
As promised, I documented my build time for each section so I could add up the totals. This is my first attempt assembling this type of CNC. My previous experience is with a 3018 Prover.
Link to my 3018 (https://youtu.be/svj7zPuYvos) Small flimsy machine compared to the Longmill !!
I show a completed page number and time for that section from previous completed page.
Unboxing up to completion of
page 6 40min
page 14 50min
page 19 28min
page 22 33min
page 25 15min
page 28 20min
page 34 29min
page 39 14min
page 41 13min
page 45 08min
page 49 11min
page 55 17min
page 60 47min (struggling with bad parts,stepper motor mounts/feet,really rough printed part)
page 63 18min
page 67 52min (bad parts,stepper motor mounts/feet had to re-assemble…not lining up with screw)
Completed mechanical assembly Total to this point 6hrs 35min
I didn’t time my chains and wiring, but I would say about 60-90 minutes. I wasted lots of time learning how the chains work. After wiring, I did axis tests. All seem OK.
So total time about 7 1/2 hrs. I still need to mount this on my table and install my MDF strips and tracks.
I have contacted Sienci Labs about my bad parts (also had 2 bad anti-backlash nuts). I haven’t heard back yet but I don’t think it will be a problem. I hear great things about their customer service.