Longmill mk2 X & Y Travel off by 25%

Longmill mk2 48 x 30 - Makita RT0701C - VCarve Pro 12.0 - GSender 1.4.10

After creating a GCode, the measurements are 25% off. I ran the GSender Movement Tool for calibration and received the message that X-Axis & Y-Axis are off a large amount and if I correct it, it could cause some issues, so I backed out. I did some research, without success, so I am here.

Has anyone experienced this? Would it be safe to correct this via the GSender Movement Tool or use the command? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

@einewid Welcome to the group!

I would not expect the settings to be that far off unless maybe the control board was flashed with the wrong settings for your machine.

You can find the default settings here for the regular LongBoard. The relevant settings are 100-102. If you have the SuperLongBoard those settings are different and can be found here.

If you decide to flash the board make sure you choose the right board and machine profile and realize that flashing firmware does carry some risk if it goes wrong, power outage etc.

_Michael thank you for the welcome and the information.

As I am a newbie and set everything up, anything could have happened, but I will look at it. I have the MK2 48x30, I am assuming that does NOT fall under the Super Long Board.

I think you are right about that, the MK2.5 for sale now comes with the SuperLongBoard but I believe it would have been an upgrade or separate purchase for the MK2.

I have not seen anything in the docs about a different resolution for 48x30. I thought maybe it would be different for the X because the lead screw is bigger in diameter but if it has the same pitch as a 30x30 then the resolution would be the same. You also said that it was off on both the X and Y so I’m guessing the bigger X lead screw has the same pitch.

Anyway as far as I can tell the numbers for 100-102 in the firmware for a regular LongBoard should all be 200 for the default settings.

Welcome again, and feel free to ask questions as there are a bunch of nice folks around here willing to help. You can also learn a lot by searching the forums, I know I have!

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Here’s a screen from my Longboard settings that have never been altered.
You are correct.

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