Machine setup in Fusion 360

I’ve set up a new machine in Fusion 360 based on the Generic Router (XYZ on the Head). However, I cant seem to get the Y-axis to be turned in the correct orientation. You can see generic setup and the one I named Longmill MK2 in the pic. The second pic shows the y-axis left to right across the machine. Anyone have any ideas?

generic router

When you’re setting up a new milling operation, you can select the position you want to work off; have you done this?

Yeah, that wasn’t the issue though. The problem was that I was using the machine profile for XYZ axis on the Head. The correct profile is YXZ axis on the Head.

@brewpickles Can I mark your last post as the solution to your issue?

Yes, this issue is resolved.

@brewpickles Thanks for letting the group know. I’m closing the topic.