Making a stiffer 3x3" angle gantry

@CRD I’m been thinking about something similar but at a slightly smaller footprint. If you go to a 32" x 48" cutting area then you can cut a regular 4x8 in to 3 pieces via two cuts, one at 32" and one at 64" and you have three equal pieces of 32" X 48". If you have a Home Depot handy, or a home center with a panel saw, this is a 60 second job when picking up the sheets and makes them very easy to manage on your own. This is also an interesting size because it will fit in to most cars (at least that have fold down seat). It’s also a good size even for basic cabinetry work.

@chrismakesstuff Out of curiosity, what were the constraints that lead to the 30x30 design? I’m guessing standard lengths of the aluminum rails was part of it?


PS - As noted elsewhere in my threads, a 32" x 48" partial sheet already fits nicely on the existing 30x30 waste board so you can slide in on between the feet without any complications. Unless I specifically need longer sheets, I think the two cuts per 4x8 move at Home Depot will be my new go-to. Muscling large sheets around on to my track saw table to cut them down to fit the Longmill is more hassle than I was expecting…