November 10 - November 17, 2023 "Hosting/Entertaining Projects" Contest

Hey everyone! Big shoutout to those who shared their latest LongMill projects.

We are happy to announce that Brandy Flett-Hewitt, Tim Goodyke, @Cncguy, Diana Mezei, Craig Pidsadowski, and Dave Mauger are the winners of the latest projects contest. Look out for a prize!

This week’s theme: Hosting/Entertaining projects! Share your LongMill creations—beer stands, coasters, speakers, TV setups, serving trays, charcuterie boards, beer openers, games, and more. Our favorites win free prizes!

Visit our blog for more information on our Weekly Themed Contest:

Weekly Themed Contest Rules and Guidelines:

Have ideas for themes? Let us know by commenting below!

Happy building!


WOW!!! I just wanted to say great job to everyone. I’m constantly amazed by the craftsmanship that I keep seeing in this weekly post. I’m so grateful for the constant inspiration.

:pray: a big thank you to all.

Hi everyone,
Please check out my new video, Engraving green and red dyed pine coasters with my Laserbeam on the Longmill MK2

Lens: G2
Pass: 1
Power: 90%
Speed: 30mm/sec

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