Yes and thanks to Grant for helping in moderation. I’ll keep doing what I can to tackle spammers too, a real shame they have to disrupt our otherwise normal forum meant to help others.
I’m mostly a minding my own bizz kinda guy, but when it comes to flagging spam, I am a scary fanatic. These amatures don’t know anything about the beautifull art of spamming and need to be exterminated like the vermin they are. How dare they come here and spew their unrelated, unfounded garbage devoid of any knowledge on anything related to cnc.
Happy to flag away @gwilki … sometimes looking at the spam, I don’t know what it is those clowns are trying to achieve. I’m sure there is some end goal they have in mind, but it really doesn’t look like the spam of old…
@elbarsal I have come to the same conclusion, Ed. But, then, I’ve never clicked on the links, so there is no telling what these clowns are trying to do.