My shopvac crapped out and I need to replace. Shop is in my garage. I use this mostly for the cnc but also for my sanders. For $130, the Dewalt Stealthsonic seems ideal for power and sound. Sound is most important to me. (Assuming a hepa filter does its job. I also have a cyclone.). Any better suggestions at this price range? Thanks!!
I have the Dewalt Stealthsonic and man it quiet . You can’t go wrong with it.
Seems like a good choice! I drank the dewalt kool-Aid many years ago and buy their products almost exclusively. They seem to have a decent balance of price and quality. I’d be interested in hearing it run though. My 30+ yr old Craftsman “screams” to the point I wear hearing protection when running it. I use it for cleanup and dust collection for my random orbital sander, which is NOT a dewalt product. On my LongMill, I use my dust collector, which also uses a cyclone. I haven’t used it enough to give an opinion quite yet, but I’m sure it will be a far cry better than nothing at all.
If you buy that vacuum, please let me know how well it sucks and the noise level. I don’t have a Lowe’s near me, but they used to match Menards 11% off in store when I did frequent them. Worth asking if you have a Menards near you. Money is tight for everyone these days.
Sweet. Thanks!…. There is a 9, 12 and 16 gallon versions. Any reason to get the bigger sizes? My cyclone picks up nearly everything. But the 12 and 16 seem to have bigger motors. Doubt those are necessary.
I can’t speak for the Stealthsonic model but I bought a Dewalt vac when I got my CNC and it has worked great but I do wish it was 50% quieter. I have a homemade cyclone, made from 5 gallon buckets and some PVC pipes so I rarely have to change the bags which is nice because they don’t give the bags away either.
Shopvac outside. Neighbours far away, removed filter, much more power, dust faces woods, Cyclone on reinforced garbage container before. Low voltage control.
@young Hey Ken, welcome to the forum. Good people, sound advice. Nice not having neighbors to deal with. Mine are a ways away, but I still have my dust collector inside. Don’t want to loose heat or cool by exhausting outside. Once again, welcome!
Look into heat recovery like restaurants use with there high volume exhaust systems. Elimination of vacuum filter, especially the heppa, will increase volume exponentially. (Vac fan requires more often cleaning)
Just got the vac. Love it so far. It seems so much quieter than my previous vac, Shop Vac Quiet Series (dont think they make it anymore). Its at 70dbs and down to 60dbs in my enclosure. Previous vac was 5-7dbs higher but this seems so much better.