Rolling Bandsaw Table

My latest project. The drawers aren’t done yet, but you can see where the runners will be mounted. The only screws were used to mount the wheels. I didn’t use the Box Gadget. These were cut flat on the spoiler board though. My vertical mount wasn’t used.


Hey Lewis,

That is pretty nice. I mostly build with standard 4by4’s or something simular. Using the mill and ply is something that still needs to sink in with me. I like the design. It looks almost as if you don;'t need to glue it together. Just hammer it in place and it’s done?

Nice Thor hammer too.

You lit a light in my head. Thanks!

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It’s all tight enough not to glue. But considering it has a ‘moving blade of pain’ on the top of it I did add some glue in the joints. My 1st design was with solid sides and it would take a full 4x8 sheet. That seemed way to wasteful so i keep cutting stuff out till I was down to this. I am going to make another stand for my drill press and I will make the legs even more narrow. This stand is much more sturdy than I first thought it would be. This took 1 full ‘handipanel’ 2ftx4ft and a part of another. I want to get the drill press stand down to 1 handipanel.

Lewis, you didn’t show any dimensions, but when I first saw the photo I wondered if that wasn’t easily upset (tip over).

+5 on the hammer… and I like the table too!

about 16"x16"x32"
I do everything CNC in metric 400mm by 400mm by 800mm
It feels stable. If I lock the wheels and push at the very top of the bandsaw it doesn’t get tippy till about 15deg. Once I get the drawers made I got boxes of nail gun ‘nails’ etc that will be sitting on the base. That will help shift the center of gravity down a bit. Being top heavy was definitely a concern while i was building it.

I like this style of construction so much. The box joints give it such rigidity I think I may use my Longmill to build a new table for the Longmill. I can do a better job of incorporating vertical milling at the same time. It gives me a chance to fix 1 design flaw in my original enclosure. I should have made it 1" taller. I’ve lost track the number of times I’ve cracked my head on the top while leaning into it :face_with_head_bandage:

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Done :grinning:

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This should be made illegal, the offence confiscated and shipped directly to my evidence room, to hold the contrabandsaw stored right next to my crooked nasty crimes machine.

Freez! Hands up! Drop the hammer! kick it over here!

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I love your project! It turned out very well. I may have to try the box joint possibly on drawers that I’m making for under my CNC machine. I was planning on using pocket holes, but using my CNC router is a good thing too.

Keep up the good work!


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The drawers were done with dovetails.
The top 2 drawers I used the Box Creater gadget, the 3rd one I used the Dovetail Creater Gadget (available with a Google search}


That is outstanding @LewisB314! I’m not sitting in front of my design computer currently, but in my software, I have both box as well as dovetail gadgets. My question is how tight did you go with the joints? If I remember correctly, there is a variable joint tightness choice. Obviously, I want it tight, yet want to use glue too.

Once again, very nice work sir. I appreciate you sharing it with us!

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1st drawer 0.0mm Allowance, they had to be hand sanded to get to fit.
2nd +0.10mm and very minor sanding , just enough so all the glue wasn’t squeezed out of the joints
3rd drawer +0.15mm

Keep in mind, a toolpath allowance (+) is tighter and (-) is looser, but it’s the exact opposite with the Gadget, +0.15mm is looser.

The box joints in the legs I didn’t use the gadget, I made the toolpath by hand, so they had a -0.5mm Allowance. Everything was cut with a 1/8" compression end mill.
Nothing was actually loose, I had to use the mallet to tap them all together.


Thank you sir! I am very appreciative of your time and response!

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