Sealing/painting approach for painted signs?

It was pine that I rubbed with a couple coats of Danish oil, let dry. Then sprayed with shellac, let dry. Put on the contact paper then cut. Alcohol is a good idea, I’ll try that. Thanks.

@Dhk I should have thought more before writing Alcohol dissolves shellac. It is, in fact, the solvent used to dissolve shellac flakes. So, back to the drawing board. You can try goo gone or goo off, or a similar citrus product. Test it on shellac first, but I would think it would be OK. I’ve not had glue residue on any of my projects, so I cannot give you a definite solution to the problem.

I apologize for the bad info in my previous reply.

Is this the type of contact paper this group has tried?

@JayDent That’s the one that I use, Jay. Others here have not had good results with it, so you may want to test first. The only time that I have had an issue was when the substrate was painted with gloss lacquer. The paper did not stick well to it. I’ve taken now to lightly scuffing the gloss with 320 paper, applying the paper, doing my cut, spraying the cut design, removing the paper, then applying a coat of gloss clear lacquer over everything. I’ve had no issues with this approach.

One other tip is using a laminate roller to really get it stuck down.

Mine is similar to this:
Laminate Roller

I like the handle above the roller to really apply downward force and I use Oramask 831.