September 8 - September 15, 2023 " A Project That is a Household Item" Contest

Happy Friday! Thank you to everyone who entered the contest for this week, where we asked you all to share your cutting board projects made on the LongMill.

We are happy to announce that @wayne1, Andrew Fetzer, Darren Jeans, @Cring23, @GuillC, and @STEVESTILLWAGON are the winners of the "A Project That is a Cutting Board” contest! Look out for a prize!

This week’s theme is “household items”! Show us something you made with your LongMill that you can use around the house, such as catch all trays, noodle boards, furniture, decor, or anything else. We’ll choose our favourites and send the creators some awesome cool stuff.

Visit our blog for more information on our Weekly Themed Contest:

Weekly Themed Contest Rules and Guidelines:

Have ideas for themes? Let us know by commenting down below!

Happy creating!