I was at the recent Sienci party that signified the completion of the Kickstarter campaign and spoke with Chris. We wondered if anyone would be interested in either a one-off or ongoing monthly meeting for anyone within driving distance of the KW area. Just an opportunity to meet, discuss and exchange ideas and put faces to names. Initially we could start at Sienci’s shop and then if people are interested, perhaps check out different setups at various users shops etc.
Let us know if you’re interested and we’ll set something up!
I like the idea…a kind of tutorial session. Maybe with a directed learning topic by Andy/Chris or Greg, and a guest feature with one of us slugs displaying what we are capable of.
Ok all, my schedule with school has been very busy, and Andy’s has while I’ve been gone, but I think we’ve decided on our kickoff Sienci community meetup date as being Tuesday, Feb 18th. Any input on what time of day would make the most sense, before dinner (5pm-ish) or after dinner (8pm-ish)?
I’d prefer the 5pm version. I’m usually in bed by 9:30 for a 4:30am start. If you do go with the after 8 option, i’ll give it a shot but won’t be staying too late.
Sadly I will be in Antigua on for the inaugural meeting (and apparently Andy will be in my luggage) but I will try jump into the streaming content and would like to hear more about follow up sessions.
I thought the meeting went very well! Was great to meet fellow cnc enthusiasts and see Andy and Chris working with the Longmill and CAMLab. Looking forward to next months meeting!
Well, that went pretty swell, eh?! I would check off our first community meeting a being quite a good success . Was there any feedback from those who were able to attend on what they enjoyed most and what they’d like to see more of?
Jan was in the process of coordinating the interest in the next meetup happening at his woodshop in Burlington. @djJan74 How’s the result been of interest so far?