Sienci Labs Monthly Production Update - December 2024 - 2x4 AltMill, SmAltMill, gControl & More

Hi everyone! Get the latest production updates from Andy for December 2024 and discover key insights into our ongoing projects.

To learn more, watch the full video and visit our blog. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more update videos.



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There was a short mention re the gControl computer but there was no update on when it might actually ship. I know that previously the word was ‘we hope to ship in December’ … I am wondering if there is an updated timeline for shipping?

@Jens If you have not already done so, you may want to read the blog.

Which part of the blog? Lots of stuff there but I didn’t see any more details on shipping dates for the gControl unit.

As found in the link posted in the topic starter.

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Thank you! I watched the video and assumed the link was a transcript of the video and never read the article. Why the heck would Sienci publish what appears to be a transcript of the video with a tiny bit of extra information . I suspect the written version came first and that bit about receiving the computers mid January must have been cut out of the video.
In any case, thanks for pointing this tidbit out … it was exactly the info I was looking for.

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@Jens In reply to you question, Andy makes a point each month to say that the video is a short version of the blog. He says to read the blog for the full version.

Ohhhh … did not know that. I must admit that it is not unusual for me to have selective hearing (and selective eyeballs on occasion). I shall adjust my habits to reading the blog instead of watching the video. Thank you !

PS.: I just confirmed Andy saying ‘more information is available on the blog’ at the very end of the video but that tidbit never did get processed by my brain … my bad !!! We get bombarded with so much info every day that being selective in what gets taken in is pretty much a requirement nowadays. Even on Andy’s video I tend to fast forward when he discusses stuff that I am not interested in. It really helps to see the tiny breaks in the timeline at the bottom of the video that tells me that a new subject is being talked about. By the time he wraps up (in this case about the woodworking show in Toronto) my brain has tuned out.

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I’m very interested in the smaller AltMill, and am curious what are the “weakest links” impacting stiffness with the current 4x4 machine - is it the length of the X-axis, torsional rigidity of the lower frame, thickness of the sideplates connecting x-axis to the y-axis carriages, extrusion cross-section, something else?

The current 4’ wide, 2’ deep AltMill seems less stiff than a 2’wide, 4’deep version, but I imagine it’s better for ergonomics and enables compatibility with the existing vortex rotary.

I stated on the survey that I think a 2’x2’ would be a sweet spot for me, but my impatience might push me towards the 2x4 depending on future intent of a more metal-focused machine. Would the metal-focused version just be a smaller size or stiffer through beefier components/damping?

My final note is that the key features that make me uncertain between a gSender-based machine and a Masso-based machine is native 3D touch probing cycles combined with native ATC support.