With the SLB and gSender 1.4.7, I was wondering if the newer Trinamic-specific homing rates ($180-$193) were active?
On my MilkCr8 (Linear rails, lead screws and NEMA 17 motors) I occasionally have stalls when homing Z. Problem seems to go away after some movement – almost as if “warming up” helped ease the issue. Today I disconnected the lead-not and once again confirmed that the movement up and down the rails was smooth – but it reminded me that my Z assembly (aluminum plates and RoutER11) is pretty dang heavy.
Reading through the enhanced grblHAL configuration – I was jazzed to see axis-specific homing seek rates. I set my Z-axis rate ($192) particularly low (300mm/min), but when homing Z, it seemed the rate of movement wasn’t any slower than the rate listed in $25 (2000 mm/min)
Curious if I’m missing some other flag to activate those settings or if I’m missing something else.
I’ve also uploaded current settings.
gSender-firmware-settings-5_29_2024-9 00 37 PM.json (2.8 KB)
Thanks for any guidance!
I did more testing and yes, it seems that $25 is being used for homing X, Y, and Z, and the $190-$192 rates are being ignored, even though the output of M122 seems to inply that Trinamic driver are in effect.
Am I missing something?
client M122
X Y Z Y2
Driver TMC2660 TMC2660 TMC2660 TMC2660
Set current 630 630 525 630
RMS current 423 423 353 423
Peak current 598 598 499 598
Run current 5/31 5/31 4/31 5/31
Hold current 15/31 15/31 12/31 15/31
Global scaler 0/256 0/256 0/256
CS actual 5/31 5/31 4/31 5/31
PWM scale 0 0 0 0
vsense 1=0.180 1=0.180 1=0.180 1=0.180
stealthChop true true true true
msteps 32 32 32 32
tstep 0 0 0 0
threshold 0 0 0 0
[mm/s] 0 0 0 0
OT prewarn false false false false
OT prewarn has
been triggered false false false false
off time 1 1 1 1
blank time 1 1 1 1
-end 5 5 5 5
-start 3 3 3 3
I believe those per-axis rates do not (currently) apply to the TMC2660, they just appear whenever the Trinamic subsystem is activated.
@JohnOCFII, to my knowledge it’s possible that the values might not be getting factored in which I realize is inherently self-defeating so I’ll have to loop back around to seeing if something’s been missed and we could get to work testing a new firmware version internally
Thanks Chris and thanks Drew. For now, I’ve lowered my $25 homing to a speed my Z axis can handle, and will continue to move forward with commissioning. If the separate per-axis homing rates can be activated at some time in the future, that’d be great!
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