Speed and feed request

It seems to me that my 1/4 inch end mills are burning (the tips) more than normally when I use them for rotary work. I’ve been cutting chess pieces and using these bits for rough passes. Current settings attached. So, I guess I am wondering if anyone has suggestions? Speed too fast, not fast enough? Feed rate same questions.
Rotary operations in both cherry and Walnut lately, but I also have been cutting maple, jatoba, padauk and mesquite.

@mhforbes With respect, that is crazy slow, IMHO. You may want take a look here

Much depends on how you are cutting. I always cut around the cylinder rather than along it. Also, I use a spiral, profile toolpath in VCarve to carve. Doing this means that it cuts entirely in one pass, but since the first cut is the only one that is “full bit”, I simply ramp in and take that one revolution slower. Then, I run at an 8% stepover using a tapered ball nose. I run the Makita on number 3 and the feed rate at 8000mm/315in per minute.

If you carve along the piece ignore all of this. :grinning:

Here is a bad pic of a pencil holder that I did as a test of this method. There was no sanding required at all.


Grant, that pencil holder is very nice!

@ozguzzi Tks, Bruce. To be objective, it’s not bad. I need to do a better job of creating models that wrap around or repeat many times over the circumference. I’m not there yet. However, this is just a bunch of 2 x 4 glued together, so I’m not out much.
Tks again.