Wondering if anyone using an 80mm spindle has built a dust shoe to fit the Mk2. Watched a few Youtubes but my design skills are in their infancy and this project will require a higher level of precision than I’ve got. Hoping to beg for a design that I can build or print that mimics the operation of the standard shoe.
Been tinkering with a new design for about a month so coming soon. Have to test it a little to see if anything breaks. Only 7 inches wide so no X travel loss, magnetic bristle track removal for bit changes and Z independant. Did have to get a Kobra Max for the extra build height to print part of it. I use a 60mm Makita but the Sienci model downloaded has a 80mm hole for the router. A few things would have to change for the 80mm.
I bought the shoe from Sience to fit the 65mm router but have always planned to use an 80mm spindle and they clearly state that they’re shoe won’t work with the larger diameter. They didn’t ship the 80mm spindle bracket with my kit so I’m waiting for it to arrive before I start designing something. I was hoping somebody had already done the legwork for me but . . .
Any additional feedback or suggestions? I’m willing to share and work with others on the same quest as me ( trying to set up an 80mm spindle’s dust collection on the MK2 CNC).
Most recently, I’ve reached out to PWNCNC to get details on their Z-independent bracket (variant #41857741062283 appears to be the recommended Z-independent bracket for the Longmill MK2 with an 80mm spindle/bracket) however there are no additional details, instructions or recommendations for the dust shoe, nor additional spacers and hardware.
I have a 48x30 Sienci Longmill MK2 with an 80mm, 2.2kw 400Hz water-cooled G-Penny spindle. I have PWNCNC’s 80mm bracket (with the adapter/extension plate for mounting on the MK2 Z-axis plate).
I also have a Vortex rotary axis so I’m also trying to determine if the MK2 dust collection options can also be configured to support dust collection for the Vortex.