Testing the 4.5KW AltMill CNC Spindle: Behind the Scenes with Sienci Labs

Hey everyone. Check out what our mechanical engineering team is up to! Daniel’s experimenting with a 4.5KW spindle concept for the AltMill CNC.

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4500 Watt pulls 18,75 amps at 240V. This beast would trap me behind my electric door, like the longmill did, but instantly. Standard caps on 240V home-breakers are 16Amp.

Still… I want it! Gimmegimmegimme!

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However, 4500W / 220V is equivalent to 20A!

However, ya doesn’t have to use it all at once! :smiley:

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yeah, well 220V has largely been abandoned on this side of the pond, it’s pretty much 240V, going up and above when the various solar-inverters in the hood try to tip the scale into grid delivery when the sun pops through a cloud.

About not needing to use it all at once. I drive a two cylinder car just to make sure I don’t end up in a yard or a ditch every time I pull up. Usingitallatonce is kinda my middle name.

I will.